これまでのあらすじ 長崎の原爆投下時、捕虜収容所の職員だった矢志田を助けた髭面男(名前不詳)は、アラスカで鉤爪でグリズリーを斃す荒くれ者になっていた。 バーでたまたま会った日本刀の使い手の娘に誘われて、日本にやってきたのは、深夜食堂ではなく東京のヤクザの豪邸だった。
The movie started without a title, and it was in English without dubbing. The subtitles are in Spanish, which is annoying. The plot so far At the time of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, a bearded man (name unknown) who saved Yashida, a POW camp worker, has become a roughneck who kills a grizzly bear in Alaska. He is lured to Japan by the daughter of a Japanese sword wielder he happened to meet at a bar, but instead of a midnight diner, he finds himself in a yakuza mansion in Tokyo.
(おお真田 広之が出てるぞ) 日本人は当然日本語喋ってるのだが、下のスペイン語の字幕にどうしても目がいってしまう。 これはとても悲しい習性だなぁ。 江戸時代の日本人は、旅籠に泊まるときも、玄関で足を洗って部屋に上がったものである。 エリザベス一世みたいに年一回しか風呂に入らない人種とは違うのだ。 ごめんよ、ボリス、ただの冗談ですから。
(Oh, Hiroyuki Sanada is in it.) The Japanese are speaking Japanese, of course, but I can't help but notice the Spanish subtitles below. It's a very sad habit. In the Edo period, Japanese people used to wash their feet at the entrance before going up to their rooms, even when staying at inns. They were not like Queen Elizabeth I, who only bathed once a year.